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What are the Benefits of Play-Based Learning?


Play-based learning is the natural and effective approach in helping children with their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. This is where they interact with real objects, dynamic environments and fellow energetic kids.

What are the benefits of play-based learning

In the Early Years Learning Framework and modern education, we now place more emphasis on playtime and less on traditional classroom settings. After all, classroom settings are just a one-way interaction whereas during playtime the interactions are more complex and dynamic (which is what actually happens in the real world). This rich interaction is crucial especially to the children’s rapidly developing brains (during their early years their core brain architecture and key neural connections are being formed).

Perhaps decades ago we saw playtime as a waste of time (instead of studying the alphabet, words and numbers). However, active learning also happens during playtime and maybe it’s a more productive session than just by sitting around. Also, when children reach formal schooling they will have plenty of time sitting in classrooms. For now, the children should be immersed in rich and dynamic experiences through play and interaction.

During playtime, it’s when children become natural, creative and spontaneous. It’s also when they become active explorers and investigators (when they figure out how things work by touching them, pulling them or breaking them apart). It’s about real-world learning in actual three dimensions (plus using their sense of smell and touch). Here we immediately see how play-based learning is a lot richer than just sitting in the classroom.

Play-based learning also helps children become social. Because they are encouraged to be natural and spontaneous, they are also encouraged to tell and make up stories and have fun with other children. Their cognitive and physical abilities are being put to use and tested and it happens at a quick pace (which is good for their rapidly developing brains and bodies). As a result, playtime becomes an even more dynamic learning experience.

We know that “Experience is the best teacher.” It’s especially true for children when they’re just starting out and making sense of things and events around them. A dynamic and fun learning experience through playtime (in a safe and nurturing environment as well as support from loving parents and qualified educators) can effectively teach them and better equip them for the future.